Friday, February 17, 2006

Podcast Nation: The Podcast Map of Great Britain

Welcome, one and all, to Podcast Nation, a small but busy part of the global explosion of citizen driven media.

Our plan for Podcast Nation is a simple one.

Podcast Nation aims to list and feature the many wonderful and diverse voices coming from these sceptred isles.

Podcasts will be listed by UK region.

Anyone can submit podcast URLs or feeds and links to websites or blogs. Podcasts must have been produced in the UK and be original work. Podcasters will be able claim their podcast, edit their listings, "tag" podcasts, and suggest categories. We will with our intelligence wisdom and care® do our level best to get you, the podcaster, more listeners and viewers, with regular front-page features, podcast reviews and practical advice.

Editorially, we are non-judgemental. Our role is to aggregate UK podcasting content, not determine it. We choose not to feature pornographic material, tobacco sponsorship in any form, or political advertising, but we will feature "non-mainstream media" podcasts, including challenging, disturbing and/or controversial content, so long as they are within UK law and clearly marked.

As more UK citizens pick up podcast tools and use them and handheld video players, wireless internet, widespread broadband, fast mobile phone downloads, and RSS content syndication make podcasting in the UK a growing commercial as well as social phenomenon, we'll be keeping track of developments in key podcast areas, addressing UK-specific podcasting issues, monitoring podcast news and the ongoing podcast debate.

So, that's the mission statement. Simple, really.


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