Friday, March 17, 2006

UK Podcast Licence Poll

This is for UK podcasters only and refers to the licence which MCPS-PRS Music Alliance have proposed to implement. In the main this seeks to establish a licence to use MCPS-PRS-registered music in podcasts, with (apparently) plans to extend this to voice-only podcasting, and to establish a set of "podcast rules".

Please read the PRS website for details. You might also want to refer to this forum in which UK podcasters discuss some of the issues involved.

You may only vote once on each question. Please add your specific comments below. Thanks for your input.

Do UK Podcasters accept the need for any UK Podcast license?
Yes No Don't Know   

Do UK Podcasters think the proposed £50 per quarter rate for using MCPS-PRS licensed music is:
Fair Too High Too Low Not Applicable   

Do UK Podcasters think that voice-only Podcasts should be licenced?
Yes No Don't Know   

Please vote on the following podcast "rules" as laid out in the licence:

Podcasters shall

obscure at least 10 (ten) seconds at the beginning and end of each individual track played in a podcast with speech or a station ID
Agree Disagree Don't Know   

deliver podcasts only in their entirety, not individual tracks or portions of a podcast;
Agree Disagree Don't Know   

ensure that music constitutes no more than 80% of the total length of any Programme;
Agree Disagree Don't Know   

ensure that the podcast is at least 15 minutes in length; and
Agree Disagree Don't Know   

take all reasonable steps to ensure that individual tracks within a podcast are not capable of being ripped and that metadata or other information or data transmitted or downloaded by the podcaster is not used to identify recordings for download from unauthorised databases or sites.
Agree Disagree Don't Know   

Podcasters shall not

produce podcasts that contain recordings from a single artist or that have more than 30% of the musical works written by the same composer or writing partnership;
Agree Disagree Don't Know   

play any individual track more than once in any single Programme;
Agree Disagree Don't Know   

provide an electronic guide to the podcast which contains tracks played and corresponding times
Agree Disagree Don't Know   

insert any flags or other markers in the podcast which may directly indicate or which may be used to indirectly infer the start and end point of tracks or segments of copyright content;
Agree Disagree Don't Know   

incorporate repertoire works into advertising;
Agree Disagree Don't Know   

use the Repertoire in such a way as may be taken to imply that any goods or services are endorsed, advertised or associated with the Repertoire or any artist whose performance is contained on the Repertoire or any other party who owns rights in connection with the Repertoire.
Agree Disagree Don't Know   

And finally:

Do UK Podcasters think there is a need for an organisation to represent the interests and protect the rights of UK Podcasters?
Yes No Don't Know   


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