Tuesday, May 15, 2007

UK Music Label Sells Vinyl-MP3 Hybrid

A UK label based in Leeds, First Word Records, is selling vinyl records that include downloadable MP3s.

First Word's primary customers are DJs, an often challenging market for record labels... The records are beautifully packaged, double-weight vinyl discs that come with a unique code. With the code, buyers can download an unprotected, 320Kbps MP3 version of the music, to use however they like.

DJs and audiophiles will always want the top end of quality, so they will buy physical media, but for convenience you can't beat a digital file.

First Word cofounder Aly Gillani explains the DRM-free approach in terms that echo those of consumer advocate. "Once a customer has paid for the track they should be free to play it in any player," he says. "Making a legal, paid-for version of the file less useful than a copied or pirated one doesn't make sense."
- Wired.


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