Tuesday, October 10, 2006

UK Podcasting Numbers

In his own Britcaster forum, Neil Dixon, who has been working for Podshow in the UK, gave an outline of the state of UK podcasting and indications of the UK audience size.

"What UK podcasters feel is a 'respectable' audience is significantly lower than what US podcasters are happy with. Top UK independent podcasts are pulling in 65-80k file requests a month, and there's very few of them (anyone know a UK indie pulling 100k+ ?). Then there's a big gap down to a handful between 10-20k per month and a whole bunch at well under 5k. Top US indie podcasts are, of course, into millions of requests per month. We have had to re-adjust the watershed of what is considered a successful show once a true clear picture of the average UK podcast audience space started to emerge.

Combine those numbers with so many UK podcasters stating that the majority of their audience numbers are from outside the UK and you have a bleak picture of the current UK-based audience pool for an independent UK podcast. These are real numbers as supplied by podcasters themselves, not speculations."


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