Friday, September 21, 2007

PodShow Goes TiVo

Just in from TechCrunch:
"Adam Curry's Podshow will formally announce an alliance with TiVo next week that sees PodShow content becoming available to TiVo’s 10-12 million users in the United States.

According to our source, the news is planned to be formally announced the day before the Podcast and New Media Expo to maximize Podshow’s coverage during the event. At this stage there is no word on the deal from Podshow itself, although others have noticed the tie-up prior to today, and a TiVo page for Podshow is already available here.

We’ve also heard rumors that Podshow may announce a new round of funding next week alongside the TiVo announcement. There is no confirmation at this stage and we are waiting on a response from Podshow."

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Blogger Port City PD said...

I was very disappointed to find out the show I co-created and co-produce for the Podshow Network was being passed over by Tivo. "Port City PD" was originally pitched with all of the rest of the shows now currently showing up on Podshow's Tivo page, but Tivo is only accepting content, get this podcasters...that are rated "G" or "PG" only due to the FCC.

First let me say that our show pushes the limits, but we do nothing you wouldn't see on Network television. Shows like "The Sheild" and "CSI" are more violent and gruesome than our show. We are guilty of dropping the "F-Bomb" from time to time, but that's all. Remember in 1993 when "NYPD Blue" showed bare breasts in the pilot episode, and Dennis Franz's butt in the shower. We don't even come close, unless you count the rated "G" Christian Coalition, I mean Cali Lewis, describing our show on "Geek Brief" in her mind as "Kinda reminds me of a porno". I guess she has never watched shows like "The Sheild", "NYPD Blue", "CSI", "24", because they all remind me or porno.......what a joke.

The cast and crew have worked so hard for almost two years to bring the first full production series that in my mind crushes the likes of "Lonelygirl15" to the internet. Our show is not just sitting in front of a camera like a news anchor and reading from other people's bloggs. Now that we are in season two filming in "HD" we are being passed over for now. By the way, "Port City PD" Season 2 looks great on a HD Tv or any Tv for that matter. Tivo's loss for now.

So be excited for Podshow and the Tivo venture, but expect documentaries and news type shows for your entertainment. So to all podcasters out there make sure you censor yourselves if you want to be on Tivo.

This doesn't sound like "Independent Media" to me.

Shaun O'Rourke
Co-Creator and Co-Producer
"Port City PD"

5:23 am  

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